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Najbrži ikada: Kako će izgledati McLarenov 1,9 mil. eura vrijedan hiperauto?


Britanski proizvođač službenim skicama potvrdio je dolazak modela BP23, koji će ujedno biti najbrži McLaren u povijesti, a po uzoru na legendarni McLaren F1 imat će tri sjedala...

1 | Author: McLaren foto: McLaren

Prve skice budućega hiperautomobila pokazuju kako je riječ o najnaprednijem i najluksuznijem McLarenu ikada. Uz čiste i oble linije BP23 imat će najjači hibridni pogon i više od 1000 KS, koji će pomoći u obaranju rekorda McLarena F1 koji je davne 1998. postigao najveću brzinu u povijesti proizvođača, a iznosila je nevjerojatnih 386 km/h. 

1 | Author: McLaren foto: McLaren

Iz McLarena nisu htjeli potvrditi gotovo ništa, ali su rekli kako će ovaj auto biti najbrži u njihovoj povijesti. Čak 106 bogataša već je uplatilo depozit, a cijena je 1,9 milijuna eura, odnosno nešto više od 14,1 milijuna kuna

1 | Author: McLaren foto: McLaren 1 | Author: McLaren foto: McLaren

McLaren Automotive has given the world its first glimpse of BP23, its next Ultimate Series model, set to become the fastest McLaren in history. It will mix the three-seat configuration and pursuit of speed ethos of McLaren’s F1 supercar with the most advanced hybrid powertrain and luxurious cockpit the company has ever produced. 

McLaren today (22 March 2017) issues a rear three-quarter sketch of BP23, which it has already shared with the 106 customers who've put down desposits on the hyper-GT. Why 106? That's the same number as the entire production run of the 1992 McLaren F1 (below).

The sketch shows a teardrop silhouette that looks more slippery than a lard-dunked politician. Expect BP23 to build on the new 720S's philosophy of 360-degree visibility: those rear pillars look like they incorporate glass sections, to improve the view over the driver's shoulder.  

Mike Flewitt, McLaren Automotive CEO, said: ‘It will be the most powerful, most advanced hybrid powertrain we’ve ever done, inside a low-drag, super aero-efficient body: BP23 will be the fastest car we’ve ever made.’ This combination of aerodynamic efficiency and powerful hybrid drivetrain – surely with in excess of 1000bhp – will help it eclipse the F1's legendary 240mph.

It'll be faster ‘than all McLaren road cars,’ Flewitt recently told CAR. ‘But if I go out and announce a top speed now, my friend John Hennessey will go out and build something faster! Will it be the fastest from 0 to 100kmh? Probably not because that's quite traction limited. But faster from 0 to 200kmh, 300kmh, fastest top speed? Hey, let's find out...’

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